In this 200th year of ICS we have been overwhelmed by the support, prayers, and huge encouragements we have received from you including from St Bernard’s Wengen. 

One of our resort chaplains working in Wengen recently wrote: ‘I was in the church, with the musician – practicing hymns for the Sunday. A couple came into the church just before the practice started and asked me: “How can we be saved?”. They had Christian friends and wanted to discover for themselves what the faith meant.’ What an amazing opportunity to speak of new life in Christ.

ICS exists to make Jesus known; it has been the heartbeat of the agency since it was formed 200 years ago and why we have our church and ministry in Wengen. We provide English language ministry to people on five continents, in twenty countries, through church planting, supporting our churches, the fifty mission partners in their ministries, and through outreach projects. We work with people for whom English is their first, second or even fifth language. 

We can achieve the ministry in Wengen due to our friends and supporters generous giving. So, I ask you to make a gift towards our outreach and ministry. It may be £1000, £500 or £50, or whatever sum is appropriate to you. We are so thankful for the loyal, sacrificial support from our members and friends. Secondly, if you can give regularly, could I ask you to consider starting or increasing a standing order to ICS? Ongoing regular support is so valuable as we plan and develop new opportunities. 

ICS is in a good place, we have come a long way, but there is much to do and challenges to face.  Thank you for standing with us as we continue to fulfil this Gospel ministry.  Your partnership and friendship are essential to us.

The Revd Canon Richard Bromley

ICS Mission Director

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