Behold I make all things New… 

The snippet above from Revelation 21 reminds me that even if I am too busy to notice, God is at work, lives are being impacted through the ministry of ICS, people are serving and being served.  We are in a constant state of creation and recreation.  As I pondered on this, it prompted me to go over the Chaplains’ reports to see what God had been doing recently through their ministries.  I was blown away by the stories and testimony that came back.

One chaplain wrote: ‘A young man from the USA was passing by St Bernard’s church just as I had locked it. We talked and I said I could reopen the church if he wished. As he entered, he was visibly moved when he saw the stained-glass east window of the golden eagle. He said his son was desperately ill and needed a lifesaving operation. In his prayers/dream he saw a window of a golden eagle. He had that dream twice before leaving the USA.  He knelt before the window seeing it as a confirmation of God’s presence in his situation. We prayed and afterwards we met for pastoral support and further prayers, and we included his son in our Sunday prayers.'
Another told us: ‘I had a moving encounter with a man who was sitting on the bench outside the church, and we started talking. His relationship had just ended and so he was taking a week out to reflect. Someone had told him to try the Christian faith which was alien to him. He first thought I was the gardener(!) and asked me: “Do you know anything about the Christian faith?”. I could then explain my role as ICS Resort Chaplain. We had a long talk, unfortunately he was leaving before Sunday, but I gave him my email. He has since written to say: “Good News, I have bought my first ever bible, will you help me to understand more?”. I have put him in contact with someone I know in a local church and heard that they are now meeting for classes.’

How wonderful it is to hear from a diverse group of visitors from different countries what God has done and is doing in their lives and in their churches and what a privilege it is that they share their stories. It brings home the variety of ways God is at work, and in so many different situations and places.

We can only achieve this because of the most generous support of people who stand alongside us and give financially and in prayer.  We are all aware that we have had a pandemic, a war is taking place in Ukraine and a global economic crisis surrounds us – this is a hard time to fund ministry. So, I ask you to journey with us, to make a gift to the ministry and life of ICS. It may be £250, £100 or £50, or whatever sum God lays on your heart. We are only able to carry on doing what we do because of the loyal, sacrificial support from our members and friends. Secondly, if you can give regularly, could I ask you to consider starting or increasing a standing order to ICS? You may not notice it going out, but we will certainly notice it coming in!

We are about to embark on a development project in St Bernard’s Wengen. It is our hope to be able to carry out work to make the church more heat efficient, environmentally responsible, and comfortable. This will be a significant cost, but important to complete. If you would like to give specifically to this, please mark your gift ‘Wengen heating’. Your gift will allow us to improve our beautiful church in Wengen and preserve it (and the planet) for future generations. 

Thank you for standing with us as we continue to fulfill this Gospel ministry. 

Your prayers, partnership and friendship are essential to us.

The Revd Canon Richard Bromley

ICS Mission Director